...Our Services
Photo courtesy of Fraser Kerr
Street Photography - Instagram
Our 1:1 service is led by you, at your pace, talking about the things that are impacting your mood, behaviour and thoughts.
We will be there with you every step in your journey to become well, for as long as you want us and need us. We will use a range of methods, in order to best support you during this challenging chapter of your life.
Staff training can do so much for your business, by helping prevent absenteeism and increase productivity. Our training can also help build a closer team and allow the team members to provide better support to their colleagues and customers alike.
Its not always about trying to make blue skies and sunshine, but ensure you are appropriately prepared for those driech days too.
Photo courtesy of Fraser Kerr Street Photography - Instagram
Please see below for available workshops. If your company or organisation requires something more specific please contact us to discuss further, this will allow us to be able to create something that matches the specific needs of you organisation.
Photo courtesy of Fraser Kerr
Street Photography - Instagram
Our schools and group talks can take many forms. It can be a package of workshops and talks or a one off interaction.
Our inputs are all bespoke and specifically designed to engage the group that we deliver to. We have specific topics that are commonly asked for, however we will discuss your aims and what would fit your group best.
We ensure that our inputs are delivered in a relatable way and accessible for all.